Check out what to expect in:
SASE (Science and Socials Experiential - Grade 9)
FADS (Fashion Art Design School - Grades 9-12)
WILD (Wilderness Initiatives for Leadership Development - Grades 11-12)
LEAD (Leadership Excellence for Athletic Development - Various programs from Grades 8-11)
And check out the PROGRAMS tab at the top of this page for information on ACES 10(Achievement, Challenge, Environment, Stewardship), CHAOS 9 and 10(Community, Heritage, Adventure, Outdoors, Skills), ES11 (Experiential Science)and MAD (9 through 12)- These are all "Wood Street Programs" that PCSS students can apply to.
Please NOTE: All program applications for the 21-22 school year are
due by March 11, 2021
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