Honour Roll Presentation for the 2020-2021 School Year. Students may pick up their certificates in our front office. Click this link: Honour Roll 2020-2021
Our Gala Evening to recognize our Highest Academic Achievers from the '19-'20 school year was October 21, 2020. There were two ties this year, so 7 winners! Five of the seven award winners are pictured below. Kalina Larochelle (Grade 12 winner) and Samantha Twa (Grade 11 winner (tie)) weren't able to be with us. We also awarded the Governor General's Academic Achievement medal to Kalina LaRochelle that night.
Grade 8 winner Shane Clennett
Grade 8 winner Vivian Yim
Grade 9 winner Aliya Donison
Grade 10 winner Yeonseon Lee
Grade 11 winner Duncan Snooks Not pictured - Grade 11 winner Samantha Twa
Group Picture of 5 out of 7 of our Highest Academic Achievers for 2019-2020